Sunday, May 15, 2016


Hey there! I know it's been quite a while since my last blog post.  I recently decided to leave my job and take a few months off.  I decided to focus on me for a little while and it was a much needed break.  I enjoyed spending time with my kids more...taking them to school and picking them up; driving them to baseball practice and games; helping with homework and not feeling rushed; and having more family Netflix nights.  I also spent more time with my friends.  We enjoyed going wine tasting and exploring Sonoma County; taking day hikes in our nearby regional parks for some exercise, going out to the city and seeing a show, and catching up over coffee at the some new cafes I had been dying to visit!  

I really just needed a break and I can't tell you what a world of difference it made!  I feel refreshed and re-energized.  It made me realize that I need to take time once in a while and do things that I enjoy and make me happy.  

I am back to work now.  I just started a new job at a new employer and so far I am really loving it!  I am also happy to report that I got a nice promotion and salary increase from my previous job so that is always a plus and I'm worth it!  

This tank top is a good reminder that time for "you" is important.  Women especially are guilty of putting everyone else on the top of the priority list - the kids, the spouse, the job, the dog...I encourage each of you to pencil yourself in everyday.  Take time to focus on you and do things that you enjoy.  It could be something simple like reading a book, indulging in your favorite reality show, going to the gym, or grabbing cocktails with your girlfriends.  When you make yourself a priority, you will notice that you are more confident, less stressed, super productive, and happier.



P.S. My BeYOUtiful tank top is $24.99 with free shipping in the US.  I have three currently available in size Large (quantity 1) and Medium (quantity 2).  If you are interested in purchasing, please email your PayPal address with your desired size to .  First come first serve.  Thanks!

(All images shot by San Francisco Bay Area Photographer Matt Sawdey

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