It's nearing the end of February and I'm having major spring fever! The trees in my backyard recently exploded with beautiful white blossoms, the flowering shrubs started blooming pretty pink flowers, and the daffodils in my front yard sprouted up overnight! There's sunshine in my soul and nothing better than the sound of birds chirping in happiness as the seasons change. We still have a few weeks to go before the official first day of spring but it's never to early to begin looking for that perfect spring and summer bag!
Wicker and straw bags are a staple in my closet during the spring and summer seasons and I love to find new styles and unique looks! You'll often find me accessorizing my warmer weather outfits with a wicker and/or straw bag - they look great with dresses and jumpsuits and are a fun accessory to bring along on your spring break travels! I've selected a few of my favorite straw and wicker bags below. Tell me which one is your favorite?